Book of the Month - March 2006
Coaching for Performance
Growing People, Performance and Purpose
by Sir John Whitmore
£8.57 through Amazon
Hannah Says:
"The essential reference book for every coach's shelf. Whether you're a Life Coach, Executive Coach or Business Coach, you'll find useful insights and examples of coaching techniques in use. This book is particularly useful if you're a manager who would like to start using a coaching style of management."
The Publisher Says:
"Clear, concise, hands-on and user-friendly, Coaching for Performance is a coaching guide written in a coaching style.
Now in a new, expanded and fully revised third edition, this bestselling handbook will help you learn the skills - and the art - of good coaching, and realize its enormous value in unlocking people's potential to maximize their own performance.
As John Whitmore writes, 'Coaching is not merely a technique to be wheeled out and rigidly applied in certain prescribed circumstances. It is a way of managing, a way of treating people, a way of thinking, a way of being.' This third edition of the definitive guide moves onto new psychological ground with three new chapters on coaching for personal meaning, purpose at work and on corporate values and culture - to GROW people, performance and purpose together.
Adopted by many of the world's major corporations, this easy to use title argues persuasively for:
- Using effective questions rather than instructions or commands to raise awareness and responsibiliity, with extensive examples
- Following the GROW sequence - Goals, Reality, Options, Will - to generate prompt action and peak performance
- The growing need to relate to the individual's sense of meaning and purpose
and examines why:
- Coaches now need enhanced skill levels
- Coaching is the essential team leadership skill.