Live Marketing Workshop This Weekend (Sat 4th March)
Just a quick post today to say that this weekend I'll be presenting an all-day workshop at The Coaching Academy on Saturday.
It's the second time that I've done this particular workshop for The Coaching Academy and there's going to be extra material and exercises this time.
The topics I'll be covering include:
Strategy & Planning
It's the second time that I've done this particular workshop for The Coaching Academy and there's going to be extra material and exercises this time.
The topics I'll be covering include:
Strategy & Planning
- Using Coaching Tools in a Marketing context - Wheel of Marketing, using the GROW Model to build your business
- Identifying and maximizing your strengths
- How to write a Marketing Plan - aims & objectives (what outcome do you want), what you're going to do, working out your budget
- How to use these tools with your own clients
People Skills
- Creating rapport with prospective clients (creating rapport through your marketing)
- Techniques for negotiating with suppliers, e.g. printers, advertising sales people
- Networking & personal branding
Getting Yourself Known
- Seminars & Workshops - how to get yourself booked as a speaker, how to organise your own workshops, what to put in your promotional materials and feedback forms
- Teleclasses/conference call coaching
- Newsletter marketing
- PR - writing press releases, how to get yourself featured in national and local publications, online magazines, etc.
- Advertising
- Using other people's contacts to win you clients
Creating Systems to help you save time and earn more
- Essential items for your Marketing Toolkit
- Products & other services - more about passive income and introducing the 'funnel'
- Databases & CRM - how to use them to ensure you never forget to follow up with a lead and approach people/organisations at exactly the right time
- Referral strategies
- How to use testimonials effectively
How to convert a prospect into a client
- What to say when the phone rings
- Asking for the business
Case Studies
- You get the chance to work with fellow coaches on creating a Marketing Plan and you could win a prize!!
I'll be running these workshops throughout the year for The Coaching Academy and they are open to everyone (even if you did your Coaching training with someone else). Full details are on This is a weekend event and the second day on Internet Marketing is run by Guy Levine.