Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Research on Niche Marketing

I wonder if you can help me? I'm doing some research on Niche Marketing in Coaching and I'm looking for coaches who would be willing to be part of a case study.
  • Do you operate in a very specific or unusual niche?
  • Have you found that being in your niche has helped or hindered your Marketing efforts?
  • Do you have examples of clients who have hired you as their coach because you were the only coach offering your particular services?
If so, please can you drop me an e-mail on

Many thanks!


P.S. When the case studies are published, I will change your name if you would prefer to be anonymous.

What a Great Response!

Wow! It seems you guys are really interested in Internet Marketing from the responses I got to my e-mail!!

This blogging lark seems to have everyone excited! Yesterday I spent a lot of time working on improving the visibility of my blog and tried to get my head around the idea of RSS and Pinging. RSS is Really Simple Syndication and it's a way of getting new messages sent out automatically when site content (like articles on a blog) are updated.

You might have noticed the square, weird-looking orange button a bit further down on the right hand panel of this page. If you click on it, you can have new posts sent to your web-based news reader, like My Yahoo! Why don't you have a play with it and see what you think?
