Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Testimonial from Alex Reid

I've just finished mentoring Alex Reid, who's a business coach and this is what he said in his feedback form...

Prior to engaging Hannah, I already believed in the power of coaching as an agent of positive change. However, my coaching sessions with Hannah have reinforced my original viewpoint. Hannah asks the right questions at the right time. Moreover, she skilfully reframed specific challenges that I was facing. This made it much easier for me to identify ways in which I could overcome these challenges.

I would wholeheartedly recommend that if you're considering employing a coach, you start by contacting Hannah.

What were your reasons for seeking the help of a coach/mentor?
I needed someone who could help me to crystallise the ideas which I had in my head but had difficulty turning into specific actions.

What was it about Hannah McNamara that made you feel that she could help?
Hannah & I share some similarities in terms of our professional backgrounds. This in conjunction with the fact I needed a coach who could help me to tailor my existing marketing knowledge to the world of coaching.

What was your overall goal for the coaching/mentoring programme? Have you achieved your goal?
My initial goal was to clarify the niche market which I could target most effectively. Thereafter my goal was to use the coaching sessions as a means for identifying the steps I would need to take in order to successfully launch my coaching practice. On both counts the coaching sessions fulfilled these objectives.

What were the steps you took with your coach towards achieving your goal?
In broad terms, the steps taken focused on identifying the different options open to me & how these options aligned with my overall goal. The workbooks provided by Hannah helped me to explore in some detail the steps I would need to take in order to achieve my goals. They also helped to build a set of timeframes around when I needed to have specific tasks completed by. This was very valuable because otherwise its very likely I wouldn’t have had the focus to complete the goals within the same timescales.

What did you learn about yourself/your situation as a result of working with your coach?
I learned that I already knew most of the answers & options available to me related to the issues that were holding me back. However, it was only through Hannah’s focused questioning that I was able to identify these answers & options. I also learned that working with an independent coach has helped me to explore avenues that I might not otherwise have thought of.

Find out more about one-to-one Marketing Mentoring at www.marketinghelpforcoaches.com/help/prepareforliftoff


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